apply NOW

To Become part of The Ohringer and The Braddock Community, please complete both the Artist Questionnaire and Resident Application and submit to TREK Development.

Artist QuestionnaireResident Application

Questions check the FAQ section first

apply today!

Become part of The Ohringer and Braddock Community

Part 1
Art and Community Involvement Questionnaire

Please provide written answers to the following questions and send this completed form along with the artist statement described below to NDC Asset Management along with your financial forms.

The Artist Selection Committee (ASC) will not be judging the quality of your writing nor the quality of your artwork, but rather the depth of your engagement and commitment to your work.

We fully understand that many gifted artists cannot explain their work well. Your skill at presenting and explaining the content of your work is not as important as showing a body of work and your plan to continue producing work.

An advisory Artist Selection Committee interview will be scheduled with you after you have passed your financial review.
During the interview, you will be asked to present a portfolio of your work to the review panel that consists of Ohringer

Arts representatives, Braddock community members, stakeholders, and local artists.
You will be expected to speak for approximately 5 minutes about your artistic practice in general and the specific projects you will be working on if you are to move into the building. After this, the panel will ask questions about your work, about living in a cooperative environment, and about community involvement.

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Part 2
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